Sponsor Licences For Education Providers

Sponsor Licences For Education Providers

Education providers wishing to enrol overseas students from outside the EEA are required to ‘sponsor’ them under Tier 4 of the Points Based System. Education providers will need to obtain tier 4 sponsor licences from the Home Office.

Education providers wishing to enrol overseas students from outside the EEA are required to ‘sponsor’ them under Tier 4 of the Points Based System. Education providers will need to obtain tier 4 sponsor licences from the Home Office.

How we can guide you to obtain tier 4 sponsor licences?

The rules on obtaining sponsorship tier 4 sponsor licences can be complicated and our legal team is on hand to assist you with obtaining a licence. The concept of sponsorship in relation to Tier 4 provides evidence that the student will study for an approved qualification and places duties on education providers that it must abide by.

Obtaining Tier 4 Sponsor Licence

As a Tier 4 Sponsor you must meet the standards set for Highly Trusted Sponsors (HTS) and once you have met this standard, the Home Office will give you an A-rating/B-rating for 12 months. You must then apply for HTS status no later than 12 months from the date that you were granted your licence. The tier 4 sponsor licence will be valid for four years and if you wish to continue to be a sponsor, you must renew the licence.

Assigning a Certificate of Sponsorship (CAS)

Once you have a Tier 4 sponsor licence, you will be able to assign a CAS to students wishing to come to the UK to study. The CAS is valid for six months, and if the prospective student does not use the CAS, it will automatically become invalid; in this case, the CAS must be re-issued. As a licensed sponsor, you will need to comply with your duties which include informing the Home Office of students who were granted leave but failed to enrol and students who are continuously absent for significant periods of time.

Our Legal Services for tier 4 sponsor licence

  • Advise education providers on the procedure for applying for a tier 4 sponsor licence;
  • Act as the Key Contact or Level 1 User or Level 2 User of the company;
  • Advise employers/employees on the likelihood of getting sponsored under Tier 4;
  • Advise and represent clients in making their leave to remain/entry clearance applications;
  • Advise and represent clients’ dependants seeking dependent visas;
  • Lodge an appeal (in-country only) or make a request for an administrative review if your application is refused; and
  • Judicial Review of refused application.

Why we provide the best legal advice for Tier 4 Sponsor Licences

We are a UK Solicitors law firm and are fully authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority(link is external) (SRA) and as a professional law firm are completely exempt from requiring authorisation by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner(link is external) (OISC). Many businesses offering immigration services are only OISC regulated and as such are not professional legal organisations such as Solicitors firms or Barristers’ chambers. OISC businesses are not allowed to do legal work before the Courts such as Judicial Review or statutory challenges of Home Office decisions. Also, as a professional organisation, our policy is not to employ sales staff to give you “advice”. Instead, every telephone consultation is conducted by a lawyer; offering you accurate and informed legal guidance. Under your instruction, our qualified team of immigration solicitors and barristers will guide you through your case from the outset; ensuring that neither time nor money is wasted and that no mistakes are made when it matters the most.

Expert Immigration

As a law firm with a track record of success, you can be assured your immigration matter is in safe hands and that the best strategy for your case will be adopted. It is crucial that you seek specialist legal advice at the outset and prior to making any type of immigration application. We can assist you with your applications for any type of Visa or permit and any form of leave to remain (or for entry clearance) under the points-based system. We ensure our clients comply with the Immigration Rules and the strict requirements of the UKBA prior to making an application, thereby eliminating much of the stress of the application process.

Contact us for successful Tier 4 Sponsor Licences

Our experienced team of professionally qualified solicitors and barristers will guide you through the Tier 4 sponsor licence process step by step, complying with the strict letter of the law and limiting the possibility of failure. Consider HS Legal as your Education Provider Sponsor Licence adviser; call us for a telephone consultation today.

Our Immigration Experts are able to give specialist legal information and advice in this area of law. To contact one of our Immigration Solicitors or Immigration Barristers please complete our online Enquiry form and we will get in touch or call us now on 01206500181